Benevolence & Disaster Relief: Forrest Park has a strong belief that serving the Lord involves serving our fellowman. Our trucks are often among the first to arrive in hurricane and flood ravaged areas. In addition, we have for years supported the Georgia Christian Children's Home (Raintree Village) and The Children's Home of the Americas in the Republic of Panama.
College Ministry: Located in a "College Town" we strive to encourage students to be involved with the local church. Our college ministry is designed to do just that.
AGAPE Ministries: Forrest Park is structured using various ministries, headed by our Deacons, to ensure the work of the church is conducted. From Building and Grounds to Transportation and everything in between, these committees stay busy ensuring their responsibilities are met.
Education: We have Bible classes for all ages, cradle roll through senior adults, on Sunday mornings and Wednesday nights taught by faithful Christians who love God and His Word. Our ladies meet on Tuesday mornings from September through May for additional special studies.
Evangelism: Our evangelistic thrust is divided into three specific areas: Local and Stateside, Foreign, and Printed Word Evangelism which overlaps the other two. Locally we conduct a vigorous outreach to the community through the Bible Call Telephone Tape Library, a fully computerized touch tone access to hundreds of Bible studies by phone.
Family Care Groups: It is easy to feel lost in a large crowd. Some people will even avoid a "large" congregation for fear they will miss out on personal involvement. Our experience with our Family Life Group participation is that everyone has the opportunity to identify with smaller fellowship groups that strengthen their sense of belonging. These groups provide an avenue to meet many of our congregational needs such as caring for our sick and the spiritually weak.
Foreign Evangelism: Latin American Missions is the foreign evangelism outreach of Forrest Park. Annually, Christians from Forrest Park join brethren from all over the country to conduct preaching and medical campaigns in Panama, Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Peru and Colombia. Our office building houses the medical missions warehouse, and a complete staff of mission ministers who travel extensively for the foreign work. There are several full-time men on our mission staff. Funds are raised by our staff for over one hundred preachers and students in Latin America. In addition, our elders oversee the Bible School of the Americas, three satellite schools for preacher training and the Children's home in Panama City, Panama.
Forever His: This ministry is specifically designed to teach God’s Word to children with special needs while providing a much needed respite day for parents and other caregivers.
Lady's Programs: Food groups, shower groups, Ladies' Bible classes and annual Ladies Day programs provide additional opportunities for our ladies in the church to grow spiritually.
Visitation Program: Is a program designed to help members fulfill their role in the Great Commission. Workers visit or send cards to the sick, shut-ins and those needing encouragement. Visitors to our services are also contacted as a follow-up to their visit.
Nursery: Our nursery is staffed at each service with qualified attendants. Each week it is hygienically cleaned, thus offering the maximum of protection for our babies. Mothers are asked to acquaint themselves with nursery policies that are posted on the door.
YES Weekend: Our Youth Enrichment Seminar is designed to prepare our young people to make sound decisions in their lives. The event is held on the last weekend of February. Check it out!
Young at Heart: Several of our families have dedicated themselves to spending considerable time with our "over-50" population in the church. Their activities are frequent, enjoyable, and they include a large segment of the church.
Youth: Plan and implement a well-rounded program of work that will build up our youth spiritually. Provide fun activities as well as spiritual activities to meet all of their needs. This committee needs to be divided into three areas of work, Elementary, Middle School & High School, with members assigned to each. Provide written standards to be followed for safety reasons. This Committee will oversee YES Weekend, Thanksgiving Dinner, Fall Festival, Summer Bible Camps, Jr/Sr Banquet, (12thGrade) Senior Appreciation Banquet, Youth State Side Mission Trips, and all other Youth Activities.